Leaving beautiful Lake George, we headed off to Vermont to visit Sy and Debora Raboy who have a house for the entire family at Stratton Mountain in the Green Mountains of Vermont. The morning of the 4th we traveled up Rt 100 in VT stopping at a variety of potters, woodworkers and artisans. While late in the day, we decided to take our chances at the top of Mt Washington, NH, New England’s highest peak. Up the cog railway built in 1869 to the summit at 6,200 feet. Marcia could not believe we were above the tree line, luckily the clouds cleared for part of our visit.
After a night in North Conway, we headed to Maine via Lake Sebago with a stop in Portland for lunch. Bob and Tancy Rapp, new RV’s themselves provided their usual great hospitality. After a tour of Pemaquid Point, it was off to Cow Island for the weekend with our hosts Sam and Wendy Plimpton and their many guests. This is hospitality in the old style with gracious hosts, great company, awesome food and wine and a setting to remind us of what life can be like in its purest form.
After Cow, it was back to the Rapps for a round of golf and dinner with another fraternity brother, Mike Gero and his wife Malli who would then host us for a couple of days at their home at Tenants Harbor. At Rockland, a community that has lifted it self out of misery to become an art center, we stopped at the Owls Head Auto Museum and the Farnsworth. We then headed to the Boston area.
Last stop was with Jim and Lori Hamilton in Cohasset, MA with many dogs and lots of humor. Finally, we got out of the small car with the small dog and got on a plane for Miami.